May 12, 2009

This is getting tough

Finding time to blog is getting increasingly difficult. I will not give up!

This week, the Eastern 4-H Center is hosting the Leadershape is a group of NCSU students building on their leadership skills...I think we can help them out!

We will entertain the delegates on our Team Challenge Course today for about 3.5 hours. We will also teach canoeing and kayaking on Saturday! And, FINALLY, the Sound is warm enough to swim in.

Personally I am nearing completion on the 2009 Version of Summer Staff Training. Summer Staff Training is without question the most important part of my job. If I want an easy summer, I will "wear them out" during staff training. I will ask and answer questions to as many scenarios as possible. Staff members will learn to do EVERYTHING here. Making matters more fun - the budget "situation" is forcing me to be;s what we are doing to save money:

Contracting out printing service for manuals.
Preparing meals at the staff house (35 meals), instead of requiring food service to do so.
Starting training mid-way through a pay period to reduce or eliminate undeniable overtime.
Everybody will live in gender specific cabins, that way only 2 buildings will be powered.
Accepting large program groups...we still have a couple of days available, too!
Class time will be in the middle of the day, so we can reduce light bulb usage.
"Round-Robin" trips to Raleigh, this way we can take care of everything at once!

We do some more stufff, and I, personally, work in the dark.

Today, Lee and Joe (program staff Joe) are in Raleigh at an Astronomy Training put on by the Science House. Poor Joe! Lee is tough to ride with, but Joe is tough enough to handle it!

I was so busy yesterday, that I couldn't blog...and I am only going to get busier, so I apologize.

Enjoy the day....

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