May 18, 2009


As goes the weekend, so goest another large program and retreat group...LeaderShape, a North Carolina State University program geared towards college kids, and championed by Mike Giancola, journeys down US 64 every year to learn about leadership styles, and more importantly, to lead with integrity. They also sue some of their time to teambuild through our staff, and enjoy the waterfront with a Saturday afternoon canoe and kayak paddle. There is also a GREAT unimportant tradition...

The program started in's recognized for being good at it's purpose...and most importantly, the participants love participating. I look forward to their annual return, and my tastebuds begin to tingle every May, too - but more about that later.

Teambuilding with our Program Staff was pretty amazing...I will always contend that I may be the greatest Challenge Course facilitator between ages 20-30. Joe Herbert could give me a run for my money, but he works here, too - so we are a good complement....Jonathan Casper and Chris Sova are aspiring "greats"...and Casper's group members told him all week ho much they enjoyed his activities. Nevertheless, in what was a purely amazing feat, I remembered all of my group members name in a name game we played at the beginning of our activity. The group members sit in a circle...the first person has to tell the group their name, where they are from, and what their collegiate major is...the second person has to recite the first person's name, origin, and major, as well as their own...the third person has to recite the first 2 peoples name, origin, and major, and then their own. It goes like this until all 16 people have shared their name, hometown, and major - the last student had to recite all of the names, hometowns, and majors. The activity is great for memory, but everybody also (1) LEARNS EVERYONE'S NAME, (2) finds out if they grew up near one another, and (3) discovers if their majors are similar. As a challenge the participants wanted to know if I could recite all of their names, hometowns, and majors...of course I took the challenge - in fact, I "upped the ante" by blindfolding myself and reciting all of the information accurately, in order, and quickly...I know - I'm great, but please do not applaud at your willl look weird.

Saturday, we opened the waterfront and successfully paddled 60 folks with nary a canoe or kayak flip. We even "test drove" a new way to enter the Sound, and by passing the slippery boat ramp. Everybody had a blast...even the kid who took a leafy limb into the water so that he could "hide" behind it as he snuck up on unsuspecting boats...really random, but funny.

Also on Saturday, the LeaderShape Institute's tradition was put into action...and all of the Program Staff, and myself included, hungrily awaited the presentation of "Strawberry Soup".
It's a great summer soup - imagine a chilled gazpacho, but made only of fresh strawberries and cream. You can never, ever drink enough of this soup.

All-in-all, a fun weened, despite yesterday's rain and temperature drop...I'm only in the office today and tomorrow - I'll take my show on the road to "Hotlanta"Georgia to view the union of one of best friends and his fiance.

Enjoy the day...

1 comment:

Rebecca said...

Can I get the recipe for Strawberry soup? Sounds tasty!