April 1, 2009

Random Thoughts

In reference to my "Dialect" post a couple of weeks ago...my dad provided me with a couple of new words that were created in Alabama (where my parents reside). Also, I want to mention the northward migration of waterfowl. And 3 staff members celebrate April birthdays...we had a cake this morning in lieu of the age increase.

My dad is a public official in Alabama, so he's a lot of people. He also reads my blog, and emails me occassionaly. The blog is used to keep an open line of communication to all of my fans, friends, and admirers. My dad is all 3. Nevertheless, yesterday a person came into the Courthouse in Coosa County, Alabama and announced to my dad that "yestiddy, I wassah clumbin' the ladder, when I falled offit and turnt my ankle." Apparently, in Alabamam there is a present tense, past tense, and a past-past tense, and all can be used in the same sentence.

According to my Ducks Unlimited calendar, Canada Geese should be arriving in the Dakota prairies to begin nesting efforts. If you live anywhere near grass or water, then you probably know that not all geese have left for the prairies. This is because there are "resident" geese. They will never leave. They will stay there and perform all major functions needed to survive: eating, using the potty in your yard, and mating in your yard. Do not give them privacy, they don't require it. The geese are just being uncouth. It is fun to watch them fly, then pitch and cup to your lawn...pretty amazing sight, if you ask me. If you want rid of the geese, ask your county extension agent about helpful tips.

The Center staff declined to see my potential head shaving...so I may do it anyway.

Stephanie Spears, program staff member will celebrate a birthday on Friday. Lee will also celebrate his birthday over the weekend. He will turn 2304980 years old.

Charles, maintenance director, is angry with my blogging. He says I blog about him to often. He is a hero of mine though, and this practice will continue. However, I am interested in training all wannabe bloggers to begin their own blogs.

Weekend Program updates will come tomorrow. Enjoy your day...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'll shave it!!!