April 19, 2009

Unofficial Study at Eastern 4-H Completed

The research is complete...hypothesis confirmed. Youth and adults love the Eastern 4-H Center. RYLA (Rotary Youth Leadership Awards wraps up in a matter of moments. This was my 3rd experience with RYLA, and they keep getting better and better. I "earn my stripes" with this discerning group. Rotary Clubs of District 7720 sponsor this specific RYLA. The dedicated team of Tony, Ed, Heather, and Governor Vivian Mott have ushered in a new "order" of RYLA. With their own, brand new "curriculum", they have revolutionized the program...its now more of a destination, than an event...I applaud their efforts!

Program Staff delivered great programs. We facilitated "leadership encouraging" teambuilding for the high school juniors. We also led a service project...we now have 9 of the sturdiest (heaviest) picnic tables I have ever tried to lift. The counselors (all volunteer) did an amazing job, and have been proactive in offering new ideas for next year, as well. Last night, as Scavenger Hunt was conducted...no Scavengers were found, but the participants did find a lot of random items.

This weeks agenda - Dock of the Bay (Monday), Tyrrell County & Columbia festivals (Tuesday), Weekend Outlook (Wednesday), Random Thoughts (Thursday), Countdown Begins (Friday)...

Please responsibly enjoy the photo of RYLA 2009 below...

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