April 9, 2009

Recession proof your life NOW!

Recess is fun...Recession is not. I can make your life better with the following tips. I like to randomly pretend that the economy is in recession, even when everybody in the world can qualify for a million dollar loan. The following tips are ways to modify your life, while still keeping what you like...

Save water! Water is expensive. Buy a Nalgene water bottle and fill it up at the tap, at work. Save your water use at the house. Also, shower only once a month, whether you need it or not. You can also keep a large bowl in the sink, so that every time you wash your hands, the runoff is collected. Water your garden with this leftover water.

Grow/make your own food! Restaurants are delicious and expensive. A general rule of thumb is that only 10% of your restaurant bill is food. You can cook the same meal for 90% less. You can also grow a garden. Growing a garden will save you about $75 with only about 300 hours of tiring work. Think of all the $30 shovels as long term investments, though. Ramen noodles can be home-made, too. The ingredients for one serving of Ramen noodles are 1 cup salt, 1/3 cup rice flour, 1 egg, and 1 Automatic External Defibrillator.

Along those lines...Dinner parties are always fun. However, they are expensive. I hosted a dinner party last night, and saved a lot of money...my guest list was: Chef Boyardee, Molly McButter, Betty Crocker, Slim Jim, and Mrs. Butterworth.

Stop wild purchases! If you didn't have it five years ago, you don't need it now. I will return my car immediately. I will also look at canceling my XM Radio subscription, on account of it has poor reception in Columbia, NC.

Watch Public TV! Public TV is free, unless you contribute to their telethons. I prefer to encourage others to contribute to the Public Television Fundraisers.

Do something nice! As much as recession stinks, it is probably a lot worse for non-readers of this blog. Donate money or time to youth organizations.

Exercise! Exercise is the world's original recreation...and probably the healthiest type of recreation. If you have a tough time exercising, try putting all of your food outside...that away, at least you have to get up and go outside...you can even shuffle and pout on your way out of the door.

Remember that the Recession will end! It may end with a Depression...It may end with a bull market. The Bull Market is not the same as a livestock sale. The Bull Market smells much better. I prefer Bull Markets 3 to 1.

Recessions force people to make concessions about the finer things in life and become creative problem solvers. I have given up my Keurig Coffee for Maxwell House. I make less trips to town. Hitch hiking is still out of the question, though. Creativity and ambition are two great American characteristics. Even if you have no concerns about the recession, I still challenge everyone to be creative and make wise use of your resources and our natural resources. And if you can save money from that...donate it to someone or someplace that can use it...I have never seen a Uhaul behind a hearse anyway!

Lee Scripture brought Lee Scripture to work today...enjoy Good Friday & Easter. We have a ginormous family reunion in this weekend...so the Easter 4-H Center rarely takes a break! I'll be here, waiting on the Easter Bunny!

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