April 21, 2009

Earth Day...who cares?

It's Earth Day...But it is not the Earth's birthday. Why do we celebrate Earth Day? When did this start anyway?

I love Earth, for a couple of reasons: (1) I live on it, (2) Most of my friends and family live there, too, (3) Ducks live there, and (4) it is pretty.

The need to celebrate the Earth was generated in the post-DDT era of pesticides. DDT that was sprayed on crops and such had detrimental effects on wildlife. DDT was pretty rude...it most notably caused egg shell thinning in birds, notably the Bald Eagle. Many people believed that more eggs would hatch if DDT were banned...those folks were right. I am still confused...some people go to the store and buy unhatched eggs, mainly for consumption. Thankfully, powdered eggs and hockey puck eggs were invented by fast food chains, which allowed for even more additional egg hatchings.

Nevertheless, April 22, 1970 was the first Earth Day. So for 39 years we have celebrated the Earth's importance. Also, hippies were given a national holiday with Earth Day's creation. April 22 has many significant meanings. Most notably, John Muir's (famed conservationist) birthday "WAS" on this day. Records later proved that he was born on April 21, and gestated for some 9 months prior to his birth. April 22 is also the birthday of everyone's favorite communist, Vladimir Lenin. Keep in mind that in the 1970's political change and opposition to communists, both at home and abroad, was prevalent. As you can see, Earth Day started off pretty rough.

Created to increase environmental awareness, Earth Day has done a so-so job. Every year (or election cycle), politicians grasp hold of the environment. Most politicians, do not understand that protection of the environment means "CONSERVATION", not preservation. Conservation means "wise use" of resources. Preservation means "no use", or leave as is - no logging, hunting, etc. Hunting and logging, when done with regulations, have long been heralded as great things for the environment and Earth. However, it is guaranteed that somewhere, there will be some bare-footed hippies uncapping oil pans on skidders or protesting game hunting or fishing. DID YOU KNOW, that sportsmen pay taxes on all of their "sporting goods" that go directly into environmental programs administered by the government. Loggers must uphold the HIGHEST environmental standards, only so hippies can climb into the trees (which scars the bark, xylem and phloem) to protest a little more.

I have never understand why Earth gets a day. I think people should care about Earth every day, not just April 22, but I guess that day is available for hippies...

Hippies have done more than anyone to increase awareness. Ask a hippie what's wrong with the environment, and you will get a great answer. Most hippies use their powers for good and not evil. I want regulated hunting, fishing, and logging...that way it'll be here for my "ganbabies".

How many people live on Earth? About 6.8 billion! Scientists estimate that the Earth's carrying capacity is at 8.8 billion...what happens win you reach the carrying capacity? Do some research - the same thing happens to deer, whales, eagles, butterflies, and worms, and everything else when it's population maxes out...now, decide which is easier, control the population or increase the carrying capacity. As we build more homes, Wal-Marts, and frivolous entertainment complexes we are certainly not increasing the carrying capacity for wildlife...wildlife will run out of food, until there are only enough wildlife to eat the available food.

If you are still opposed to helping the Earth every day of the year, consider these things:
(1) Sunbathing is not nearly as fun on Mercury and Venus.
(2) Water on Mars is frozen.
(3) Currently, 4-H is only available on Earth.
(4) Jupiter is a flaming ball of gas.
(5) Earthlings only have to deal with one moon.

As you can tell from the short list above, Earth is GREAT. Everybody should do something good for the Earth every day of the year...here are some tips:
(1) Carry a water bottle, like a Nalgene or Sigg - not a bottle of water. The bottles of water that you buy allegedly have an "eco-friendly" container - NOT! The bottle was just made of less plastic, so they are easily punctured in the factory and tossed out!
(3) Go to bed 30 minutes earlier, and wake up 30 minutes later - You will save an hours worth of electricity and get more sleep.
(4) Recycle plastic, aluminum, and glass. You can even make money! Take 1 ton of cans and get $20 for your pocket...actually this is a waste of time...just recycle and donate.
(5) Turn off or unplug items you don't use during the day - I unplug my alarm clock and microwave often...all I have to do is plug them back in when I get ready to use them.
(6) Wash clothes on the "COLD" setting.
(7) Buy only what you will eat, eat everything you cook, and do not throw away food. You will make friends in Ethiopia for being responsible.
(8) Buy a coffee mug...I have 20 and I will give you 1 if you need it. Styrofoam cups never degrade (well, after 500 years) and just fill up the landfill.
(9) Visit a landfill.
(10) Buy a Federal Duck Stamp. They are collector's items! They have a picture of a duck on them! The Federal Duck Stamp Program commits 97% of its proceeds to buyinga dn protecting waterfowl habitat. By the way, waterfowl live in wetlands...these are the water filters of the planet!

That's enough about Earth Day...congratulations to Joe, program staffer, for enriching our staff house recycling plan in honor of Earth Day! We are even going to "fluff" our worm bin today!

Enjoy your Earth Day(s)...

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