March 31, 2009

Pictures from the weekend...with true story captions

Sorry...I probably shouldn't scare you right off the bat...

Sara's skills were not learned at the International House of Pancakes

If you look at their faces, you can tell that is not quite 6 am yet...

Lee ate all but two of these...

This is the exact location of where the pep rally took place...geocache this area...
N 35 55.919 / W 76 22.465

Rousing inspiration for Relay for Life....

The whole thing was FUN and SUCCESSFUL...
I am inspired - I am challenging the Eastern 4-H Center Staff to gather and contribute $150 to our team fund for the opportunity to shave my head. If the money is raised by Wednesday, April 8, I will let one Center staff member (or all can take turns) shaving my head to the skin (not the skull). In fact, they can cut designs in it. My beard can go, too, if the price is right ($700).

Enjoy the day...

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