June 1, 2009


OUr first week of staff training wrapped up Saturday with a fun event...

This year's summer staff are progressing well. I expect our MOST FUN summer, yet. Also - all of the staff look virtually the same, which is kinda weird. OUr new program staff had to do preliminary instructions - waterfront, pool, ecology, and sports and games all have new instructors. Saturday morning , Damien introduced Blob/Blog tag - I turned out to be a beast at this. We also played Giants, Wizards, and Dwarves...I proved to be to talented, both physically and mentally for my staff. I outwitted on all accounts, and brought my team back from the brink.

Once the staff was off for the weekend they participated in an off-time scavenger hunt...the scavenger hunt required the teams to peruse greater Tyrrell and Dare Counties for different items...the items were:

digital picture of Frying Pan Road sign
digital picture of a red wolf
digital picture of a bear
documentation with the words "NO OLF"
brochure of Rivertown Christmas
Cup from a local business
matchbook from a local business
map of coastal waterways
digital picture of a certain town citizen

Competition was tight ... I can announce the winner tomorrow. Also, Greenwood Forest Baptist Church visited us for programs this weekend. The group was a whole lotta fun. There was also a wedding reception...the kitchen staff here catered mini chicken cordon-bleu, crab balls, and some other items that are VERY good.

I also got a sunburn on my boat yesterday. In Staff Gluttony news, Chris Sova reportedly at the equivalent of 3 whole chickens at various barbecues over the weekend. Also, all of the summer staff went to the beach to hang out...most bought some fun hats, and some got free sunburns...

Enjoy the day...

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