Good Morning folks...this weekend will be pioneering for the Eastern 4-H Center. We are hosting our first family camp. We have hosted other group's family camps, but this one is OURS! So we invited the families that we think are very deserving...our nation's military families. We have a nice collection of military families coming tomorrow...they will do some: scavenger hunt, ecology, rock climbing, challenge course, target shooting, archery, etc. We are also having a "couple's night" for the husband and wife of each family. Eating steak, shrimp, and cheesecake will be the main objective. Afterwards, the couples will enjoy a movie in our "theatre". Our Program Staff will host a "barbecue" for the children, filled with fun activities and a campfire while the parents gorge on delicious steak. I am STI-ZOKED for this weekend.
Next Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday, the Farmer Elementary 5th Graders will participate in our unique Environmental Education programs. They are coming all the way from Asheboro. There will also be lots of parents as chaperons...I have fun with parents. Below is a statement that I get from 92.4% of parents. Also, 84.32% of all statisitics are made up on the spot...
Parent: "Chase, when I went to camp, our cabins were not this nice!"
Me: "Well, parent, we have ice cold air-conditioning, toasty heating, hot and cold water, and no drafts." Our bathrooms are also very spacious and comfortable."
Parent: "The food is also amazing. When I went to camp we ate PB&J sandwiches. Your fried chicken is impeccable."
Me: "Our fried chicken is very impeccable."
Parent: "I especially like the tranquility of your camp. The gazebo is an amazing place to drink my coffee. Watching the Albemarle Sound is very fun!"
Me: "I agree with all that you say."
Parent: "Chase, how did you become so smart?"
Me: "I'm not."
Parent: "Oh, YES YOU ARE."
Me: "I appreciate your remarks."
So, I have another opportunity to blow the misconceptions and perception of what a camp is all about. I especially dare the parents to participate in our programs with the students...Our instructors are amazing at teaching and marking progress. Parents that fade into the background during the instruction can watch from a safe distance as the students' minds are blown about black bears, hurricanes, the proportion of the Albemarle watershed, and wetland waterfowl.
Nevertheless, we are getting ready to change the lives of roughly 130 people over the next 5 days. Friday is Stephanie Spears' birthday...She is quasi-excited. Atleast she is not nearly as old as Lee.
Yesterday was April Fool's Day. I didn't April Fool's anybody. I went fishing last night, too*.
The End!
* Fishing is stupid, but I went. I hate fishing with every fiber of my being, unless I am catching fish. I prefer to catch my fish from my local grocer's freezer.
1 comment:
hey it is a student at farmer!! one question what do your cabins look like?
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