Yesterday, myself, Joe, and Jonathan went to the Hyde (Hoide) County (Cainty) Livestock Show in Ponzer, America. While it was "old hat" for me, it was a pretty new experience for the two program staffers...Joe is from Ohio (which makes him a yankee), and Jonathan is from Gates County (which makes him a foreigner).
This is why Hyde County and Hyde County 4-H is poised to take over the world of rural 4-H:
The 18th Livestock Show in Hyde County was well attended...there were about 400 people there, which is the entire population of the county. Our own Janice Williams (kitchen crew) was down grandchildren got a blue (first place) and a red (second place) ribbon.
Hyde County has better restaurants than downtown Raleigh...Martelle's Feedhouse catered barbecue plates. Martelle's barbecue is the only barbecue in eastern NC that is not entirely vinegar...there is some former livestock mixed in...the hushpuppie tasted like funnel cake, the slaw tasted like it ought-to, and the boiled potatoes still had some skin on them...if Emeril opened the styrofoam container he would say "BAM".
Hyde County Cloverbuds outnumber all other 4-H'ers...this is not because there are not many 4-H'ers, either. Cloverbud's were coming out of the wood-work...Cloverbuds are the "bestest" way to grow a program.
The Hyde County Livestock show is the CORE OF 4-H! While 4-H has evolved, rural Hyde County is defiant of 4-Hs new modes...and while it's basically out of convenience, and not tyranny, it maintains a charm reminiscent of my very own livestock show in Coosa County, Alabama (reserve champion BABY! '91)...
Hyde County Extension Agents, Volunteers, and Sponsors made the event what it is...Natalie Wayne works a lot on this day. She also does a great job. She even made her husband kiss a pig in front of everyone. There is an old cure for chapped lips that I will now share with you - In olden times, if someone had chapped lips, they would kiss an old sow pig...this would not cure the parched lips, but it would prevent further licking of the lips...Mack Gibbs, County Extension Director for Hyde County told a story about every child when they were recognized for their award...there are few counties where this could, would, and should happen...Hyde County is all 3! Volunteers ran the chuckwagon - the place where I bought 6 pieces of fudge...
In Hyde County, there are few stoplights...most are on the island of Ocracoke, too. People can carry on about their business without having to slow down.
The Hyde County accent is the most endearing of all regional dialects in the World. They even have their own words like "interdispersed"...which is an oxymoron, but makes total sense down there, even to me...when I used the word up here in Tyrrell (Turl) County, I didn't understand it, nor did anybody else.
No foreign county or country can overtake Hyde County...the journey is tooo long, therefore becoming a "travel of attrition". The endless, but beautiful pocosin is the only scenery en route to the area.
Hyde County residents can spot invaders...I was accused of being from Raleigh, which, by the way, is the ultimate put-down in Hyde County...I quickly told them perpetrator that I was from Alabama...he had been there - Montgomery, that is - and had less than fond memories of the Alabama State's nice to have something in common!
Everytime I go to Hyde County, I realize how much I love it! Almost as great as Tyrrell (TURL) County, it lacks the beach traffic...
WHAT A SHOW!!! I had "tunzafun"!
Now...I was called a "Little Lee" yesterday...I have a problem with that for several reasons:
We are basically the same size, I am not little, nor is Lee big.
I have a stride, Lee has a gait.
Lee's idea of a ham sandwich includes a piece of cold cut between two pieces of salt meat.
Lee is a go-getter, I am a get-goer.
Lee has one of everything ever manufactured in the world.
Lee wrestled in school, I "rassled".
Lee would wear a green shirt, I would wear green pants.
Lee goes to the Barber, I cut my own hair.
Obviously, we are nothing alike...
Enjoy your day....
1 comment:
dear chase - know that your fun hyde county writings went far <<<<<<<<<<<
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