August 19, 2009

The Weekend

After a busy summer, a busy weekend, followed by three days aof quiet, The Center will go back into full swing...Startung tomorrow with the Craven College Retreat and the Williams Leadership of ECU Retreat Friday through week is busy with dinners, program groups and a weekend program group - St Paul's of Greenville. Temperatures in the meantime are ranging in the low 90's...Hurricane Bill should miss us, too. This is good. We would have to move all trash cans and picnic tables to safe places. I would also have to anchor by boat and vehicle into the ground. I am glad I can neglect this nonsense. We really don't need or want a hurricane either...we had lots of rain this summer.

Last night, I attended the Tyrrell County Ducks Unlimited meeting...this year's event will be great...some of the auction items are really nice...In fact, there are few things better than a silent auction. I feel like I am spying on people and trying to match wits and wallets with them...The latter being the difficult part. I have been fortunate enough to win some pretty awesome stuff at Ducks Unlimited Banquets, though.

Our Dock of the Bay Silent Auction is probably unrivaled in great stuff...we even had a live auction where a bost was auctioned...yep a BOAT...!!!!

Today, program staff are beginning closeout inventories and racking the boats. There might be some landscaping in there for a light measure...

I wish I had a topice for today, but my brain is in a whirlwind inthe comedown from camp. I know that goose season is only a couple of weeks away...this excites me. Also, it is time for our local grocers to begin stocking the shelves with Candy Corn, a fatal flaw of mine. I am looking for a reprieve in the daily temps...this will get me in the Halloween spirit. Speaking of Halloween, our 3rd annual Community Fun Day will be October 31st...usually it is in mid September...this later date should arrive with cooler the swimming pool will not be open, but everything else will be outdoors in pleasant temperatures. Activities for the day will probably include canoeing, rock climbing, crafts, archery, sports and games, putt-putt, horseshoes, and ecology...maybe even bingo. I hope we serve ice's my favorite activity. Of course the ice cream is used to wash down the hot dogs and chilli dogs... Go ahead and mark your calendars for that day...OCTOBER 31st!

Enjoy the day...


E Autumne said...

Is the Tyrrell County DU event posted on I'm trying to find the details but am not sure which event to look at. Thanks!

Chase Luker said...

I haven't seen it posted...I will check on it, though!