Yesterday, I had to finish scouting the Futch after work...I got there a little late, but just in time to see the swans fly in and the sun to set...I also had to pay taxes on my vehicle. The due date on the taxes was January 1...the clerk's office wasn't open that day - so I am not sure why it was due then if nobody could take my payment...I do not enjoy paying taxes on something I already own...but there are 2 things you can be certain about in life, I guess.
On the other hand, the world can surprise you like it did me yesterday at sunset. As I was trouncing back to my vehicle, I noticed the spectacular sunset. 9 out of 10 sunsets here are better than 10 out of 10 sunsets anywhere else, and yesterday was no different. I think a new color was invented in that sunset...I will call it palmetto pink. Here it is...and I cropped it out of the terrible, uneven picture of the setting sun....there are also sime pictures of swans I saw yesterday, too - try to enjoy them!
"Palmetto Pink"
There's a neck banded swan in this picture...find it!
Enjoy the day...
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