January 11, 2010

Global Warming

Despite the uproar, whether you are a believer or not, I have undeniable, scientific proof of global warming. All I had to do was take a look outside of the Office this morning. The Albemarle is under ice...but not just any ice - Polar ice. Apparently Greenland and The Ross Ice Shelf have broken free in the temperate waters of the Atlantic, floated towards Diamond Shoals, became beached, drifted through the Oregon Inlet, and drifted upstream and parked itself in the Albemarle.

After removing the seals from our dock, and scaring off the dueling Narwhals, Bulls Bay may finally be at peace.

Seriously, for what many people believe about global warming, I offer a contradiction. Is this cold spell, which is colder than last winter, which was colder than last winter, the beginning of a global freeze? The past couple of summers have been cool and wet. Well - not hot and dry, anyway. Rare was the night when I put extra blankets on my bed, but this occurrence has become the norm.

Trees, grass, and dirt are getting their due, too. The ground is like concrete...it's a temporary solution to the swampy front yards of many Tyrrellineans. The thaw will come back, as will the swamps. In the mean time, mosquitoes, yellow flies, and fire ants are struggling to hang on. The fire ants can go ahead and go...their invasive.

The mosquitoes provide enough food for bats and other neat summer life to make their hindrance bearable. You guys may stay, but only some of you...

Our Environmental Education programs contain many activities concerning global weather patterns and warming and/or lack thereof... Whether the earth is warming or not, it certainly will warm up here in the summer. This summer is filling extremely fast with campers, both old and new. They'll enjoy the fun in the sun, but also our new REC HALL...nobody will enjoy this more than me, though. It will be a pleasant alternative to a Conference Room on a Rainy Day. It will have heat and air and all of the other modern conveniences our technology allows. It will have to come out of it's current state of ice before work can speed up, but its well on its way...

Anyway, if you get a chance, go and see the Scuppernong River...It's completely iced - a once in a lifetime occurrence, at least that's what I have been told. Before moving here I had never seen the Atlantic, the Sounds, or the Scuppernong...now 2 of the 3 are iced...I had never seen iced waters in Alabama, either. I am enjoying it, but carefully...I'm not sure if the Earth is actually heating, cooling, or being just plain erratic...but in the meantime, I 'll just bundle up!

enjoy the day...


Anonymous said...

It seems to have escaped your attention that pretty much only climate change sceptics continue to use the simplistic and too easy to misinterpret term "global warming" to describe the period of wildly unpredictable climatic variability we seem to be entering - whether it is caused by human activity or not, or if we are just a contributor to changes that hold the potential to upend and tip out our entire lives. Perhaps that's because that duck isn't so easy to shoot at with a scattergun based on literal interpretation rather than an attempt to gauge true meaning. Sigh . . .

Chase Luker said...

I am glad you took this simply as entertainment. We could all be more responsible in improving our environment by proactive, "conservationally" correct actions...