January 21, 2010

Advisory Board Meeting Today

The Advisory Board will reconvene today...it's Annual Meeting time...we have some new appointees, and I look forward to meeting them!

Today's lunch menu will include lasagna, Italian bread sticks, Ensalata, and French Silk pie...it's a veritable gourmet tour de globe...whatever that means.

A front is blowing through..and blowing out of the northeast. Will any more waterfowl decide to make their way down this year? Several wildlife officials have suggested that the most birds bypassed this area during the big freeze of a couple of weeks ago...

Now, the real topic of discussion. This morning on the Good Very Early America Today show I heard an alarming statistic. That static said that 70% of teenagers and "tweenagers" spend more than 53 HOURS a WEEK on the internet and/or listening to music. That is totally ridiculous...If you have an iPod, please take the ear pieces and cover your eyes...you will not want to watch society spiral down the drain. 53 hours is more than a full time job, for most folks anyway...When do kids do their homework? When do kids TALK, not text, other kids? And frankly, what kind of music are they listening to? I grew up in the 90's - some would say that it was the best decade EVER for music, except the folks that grew up in the 60's....but that's a different story.

Nirvana, Pearl Jam, even Hanson were some of the bands that me and pals perused...today there is nothing...somewhere in LA, there has to be an old airplane hangar where pop stars are made...

The internet is best enjoyed in small doses...other than email, I rarely log on, except to "socially network (about 20 minutes a day) or purchase items (rarely). What can kids do on the internet for so long?

I believe the statistic was made up...there are not 53 hours of music a child can listen to week in and week out...Also - after 53 hours, wouldn't someone eventually come to the end of the internet? Hopefully, this statistic is just an anomaly thanks, in part, to our cold winter. Canada has a low crime rate because nobody wants to go outside in the winter...maybe that's what's going on in America - since it's cold. In fact, violent crime rates are down since November in most major cities...

When it warms up, make sure no child is left inside...seriously.

Enjoy the day...

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