January 8, 2010

1 Year...

Today marks the 1 year anniversary if this blog... feel free to applaude in private.

The "snowstorm" turned out to be a rain shower...according to my dad, you can thank the milk man for starting the snow rumors. I saw approximately 8 snow flakes this morning. At least there was no sloppy mess.

Congratlations to the University of Alabama for winning the NCAA BCS National Championship. To where should I address my fan mail?

This weekend, we are playing host to the East Carolina University Greek Life Committee...40 folks will enjoy the serenity and heat (!) of our facility...tonight we are serving 20 pizzas...A veg pizza, meat pizzas, supreme pizzas, cheese pizzas, and of course - pepperoni pizzas. A Salad will add ruffage to the carb-fest. I hope they have a wonderful time...I 'll be around to check on them from time to time, too!

Next week, Lee and I will participate in one of our monthly-ish ECOT meetings...this is when all of the Center, Program, and Summer Directors get together to discuss and make changes...items such as our Online Registration have stemmed from these meetings...who knows what next big thing will arise from one of these meetings, but it is sure to have a big impact...

Enjoy the weekend!

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