October 19, 2009

Last Week, This Week...and maybe beyond

The mercury in out thermometers is closer to the bottom than the top - and I, for one, welcome the drop in temperatures. Sure it's cold(er), but you can always do something about that...just put on more clothes. If it's hot, well, there's only so much you can do.

The weekend saw a visit from the Albemarle Emmaus group...I did my dities in the kitchen and we did our best to deliver tasty meals to all.

This week, we have the "Quilter's", Morth Carolina Wildlife Resource Commission, and and Advisory Board, with a weekend visit from East Carolina Students and the North Carolina State Shooting Sports Training...of which I will be teaching in...

Over the weekend, I took Callie for a ride through Pocosin Lakes National Wildlife Refuge...it was a drive I had never taken - we went from Frying Pan to Lake Phelps...we didn't see any bears, but we did see "evidence" as Callie called it - big, stinky piles of evidence. We also saw a couple of tiny deer, about 50 wood ducks, and -I swear it to be true - an albino Mourning Dove. Nobody will ever believe me, but it was like seeing a bigfoot or a UFO. It happened, whether I wanted it to or not. I almost wish I hadn't seen it, because when I tell folks I saw it, they think I am a lunatic. I maybe a lunatic, but I'm a lunatic that saw a pure white dove...no glare, nothing...WHITE!

The temperatures will elevate throughout the week, slowing the waterfowl migration...good thing - the season isn't in right now...the ducks need to wait for the season...

Also - I should get my vehicle back soon. The collision mechanics are taking their sweet time and I am stuck with a rental not worth buying.

Also - Auburn got beat in football by Kentucky over the weekend...I hate to grip about 20 year old kids, but Auburn's 20 year old kids are more talented, physically fit, and nicer than Kentucky's 20 year old kids. Auburn should have won, and won handily. Next week is LSU - their good, and we had better be - the game is in Baton Rouge, LA - AKA Death Valley AKA "The place where dreams die"...

Enjoy the day...

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