FRIDAY - " A good quail"
Friday night, I enjoyed the staff house with Stephanie and Joe. I also prepared a pair of quail for dinner. My dad "taught" me how to eat quail, which are a real deep south delight. Most of my refined edges were imparted on me by my father, who is the quitessential gentleman. Nevertheless, if my quail were on a menu, this would be the description -
"Two quail, feathers removed, pan-seared then slow-roasted in an oven with baby corn and carrots to keep you regular."
I also lost my cheese that night. I took it of the refrigerator and right to my bedroom. I don't know why, though. I am always looking for something that I have lost, just ask the program staff. I am usually looking for: my keys, my wallet, my house.
"Roll Call" - 3:30 am came early, but I achieved my morning workout and waited for Lee to call me... he doubts that I will wake up when pressure is on. He finally called me at 4:45...When he arrived, he found me in the dark ball field in a downpour. Lee is always up for rainy play time, so we put up our parking signs for the shooting tournament. We delayed this until Saturday morning due to the high winds on Friday night. This was truly a "volunteer" day...Lee didn't even bring his's a good thing, his crayons would have melted.
"Biscuit Gravy" (said with Italian accent) - As soon as we completed our chores in the field, we arrived at the Kitchen to find Sausage, Ham, and Biscuits being prepared. I soon found out that I am pretty awesome at putting biscuits together. As soon as we had our 200 biscuits prepared, We packed up half and sent them to the shooting tournament area. Along with the biscuits, there were cookies, cake, cocoa rice krispie treats (my new favorite), cupcakes (heavenly), and pepsi products. Nervous contestants delayed their purchases.
"Pancake Time" - Finally, the Pancake Breakfast began. Sara, our Marketing Director womanned the griddle, only to produce, and I swear, the most tasty mass-produced pancakes EVER. The syrup was just as good. I like to pour coffee on my pancakes, too. This came to the chagrin of Nikki, our Reservationist. Nikki truly believes I am a complete weirdo...but it takes one to know one, I guess. Lee, Lee the 4th, and his wife were also spotted. Lee the 4th is a really cute kid, but unfortunately, he will look like his daddy. Lee aet monumental proportions, all without a fork. Here is an artist's rendering of what happened...

"Lying Infants" - During the Pancake Breakfast, the "Relay for Life" Pep Rally was held. Vicki, Terri's sister was the emcee...I was soon made to look like a fool. Vicki asked who had never participated in "Relay For Life". I was the only one to raise my hand...but the two newborns in the room, were certainly lying. However, I am now a full-fledged participant. I now hate cancer! Next year's slogan should be "Beat Cancer...with a dirty gym sock."
"Loose Chickens" - After the Pancake Breakfast, I went out to the Shooting Tournament to help sell baked goods. It was warm, so I was able to wear shorts. When I arrived, Terri, Glenn (Terri's husband), Hunter (Terri's son), Teresa, Lara (Teresa's youngest), Bud, Charles, and Lee were discussing the chicken that was on the loose. It sounded weird. I later heard a whisper which led me to believe that they were speaking of my legs.
"Preacher Cookies" - Everybody brought some homemade baked goods, except but me. As a matter of fact, I brought Coca Cola products as opposed to Pepsi. Blame it on my deep south roots. Nikki brought devil's food cupcakes. As mean as the devil is, his desserts are sumptious. It does not suprise me that Nikki makes devil's food desserts (Nikki, I am joking, please don't put my lunch bag under you office chair and roll over it). Charles made "Preacher Cookies." He probably should have made "Maintenance Cookies", though. Charles is an excellent cook, though. Charles is one of my favorite people in the solar system. Allegedly, the ladies like Charles, but I can see why. He has a nice goatee.
"Brown Goo" - As we cleaned up, Lara ended up with a brown smear on her hands...
"Rain Storm" - I was supposed to go to Callie's afterward, but the rain prevented me from going. After I informed Callie that I was not going to visit her, she informed that I was, in fact, going to visit her. So, I left to see her. Next weekend is our little Olivia's doggy birthday. She will be two year's old. Callie had to hide Olivia's presants, though...Olivia is a snoop around gift giving holidays.
Alright, so that's it. There will be commemmorative pictures tomorrow of the "Relay for Life" Pancake Breakfast, along with other weekend events.
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