The weekend has come and gone...and it was FUN! The Dixie Deer Classic delivered another wonderful show. I spoke with lots of youth who I am certain will join us for the third rendition of Camp Canvasback. Many were also interested in Camp Millstone's Fur, Fish & Game Rendezvous.
But - here's my weekend recap.
Carolina beat Duke, in a battle of two evils, the least evil triumphed. Tyler Hansbrough will be graduating, much to the joy of many non-Carolina fans. I think he was good for the game...a lot like Florida's quarterback, Tim Tebow. Both are true competitors, that played hard and hurt early and often. I hope I raise a child who appreciates competition.
I limited my purchases at the Dixie Deer Classic, but as mentioned in the title, I was excited. I only bought a pair of sunglass retainers (like "croakies"), but they were FRESH! I paid to much, but they are basically one of a kind...as a collector of rare and stupid redneck art, I deemed them a neccessity. I failed to spend money on any clothing, framed art, or game calls...good for me. My level of restraint was second to none this weekend.
I also got word that my wallet (which was lost in Alabama over the holiday) was recovered on the side of the Troy Highway. I know how the wallet fell out there...it involved my dad and lot's of coffee at a rest area...I took the wallet out and placed it in a precarious place. It was recovered in a grass fire by a volunteer firefighter. After looking through the wallet, he contacted me...I will soon be the owner f two proud wallets and a little more peace of mind!
I also went to an engagement party/"couple's wake". As sad as marriage is, this group seemed a bit happy. Apparently they like each other enough to live together for the rest of their lives. I wish them well...Amy and Robby are a lot of fun...they were friends of my girlfriend, Callie.
Olivia, Callie's and MY teacup schnauzer has learned to climb to the kitchen countertop, but only when we are not around. Last week, she ate a "blowpop", and this time she tossed Callie's watch to the carpeted floor. She does little wrong, but I now understand why parents say "I hate punishing you more than you hate being punished." Thanks for sparing me Mom & Dad...I know you didn't enjoy it.
We have a busy week up next...Program Staff are working on Ecology lesson plans, Rock Wall improvements, and Summer Staff Training schedules. We will welcome several groups this week...as the Center thaws out from winters icy hand, groups are able to enjoy our facility the way it was meant!
Congratulations are in order for Chris Sova, Program Staff, and Lara Spruill, former Program Staff for their acceptance into nursing school. One day both of you will make more money than I could ever count. Good luck when school starts. Chris celebrated with his girlfriend, Sara (former counselor) over T-Bone Steaks. Early reports say that the steaks were good. I ate at the Cheesacake Factory yesterday, and hated it. But two light lunches later, they are the proud owners of 40 of my hard-earned dollars. thank you for indulging me in this light-hearted, yet irrelevant rambling this morning.
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