March is busy, in a weird way. The Program Staff has a lot of prep to do to get ready for our April and May months. These months are "slam-packed" with groups, Challenge Course retreats, Rotary Youth Leadership Awards, Spring Break Day Camp (Flyer above), and School Groups.
Next week, I will be at an ACA Conference, getting up-to date information on adaptive camping program techniques...soon as that's over I will peddle my wares at a local expo.
Spring Break Day Camp was MIA last year, but it's now up for renewal...There have been several registrants, and more to come, I'm sure! This year, campers will be able to do a little rock climbing, some craft projects, a little Challenge Course, a little ecology, a little sports, a little of this, and a little of that! It will be FUN!!! The best indicator of a fun day camp is when parents say "When I checked my child out, they fell asleep on the way home!" We like to challenge kids both physically and mentally...most people don't give youth the credit they deserve for being so ingenious. They are not set in their ways like adults, and are WAY more free-spirited. They also do not understand the words: regulation, red tape, policy, guideline, or rules. These words keep us safe in an adult society, but give children the free reign to question nature and gravity. Thank goodness we have adults on the program staff who do understand these words and the nature of kids to question nature and gravity.
In totally related news, I, for the second day in a row, beat Lee to the office. Terri, our housekeeper, ended my streak of one day, by being the first overall present in the office. Terri may actually sleep here...I'm not convinced she ever leaves. She is a pleasant site to walk into every morning. Her accomplice, Cindy, is also good for a hearty exchange of semi-pleasantries. Cindy and I appear to argue to many, but it's only our way of showing appreciation for each other. Cindy is also a champion lawnmower racer.
There is a North Carolina Wildlife Resource Commission Trapper's Workshop on-site. I will attempt to not be trapped. Trapper's are important people in society...they are often the first to report diseased wildlife and changing wildlife populations. All of their traps are "live" traps.
Today, Program Staff are working on completing the Challenge Course clean-up. Stephanie and Joe learned to use a leaf blower. They have since broken all of the rakes and hid them. We created two new processing/debriefing areas for our groups to discuss their teambuilding progress/prowess. We will also be inspecting canoes and kayaks for any problems. I like to hire smart people...they make my life much easier.
Also - We are only 52 days away from "On the Dock of the Bay"...
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