The last two days at the Center have been adventurous for me, to say the least. Kayaking with the Kentucky Ambassadors started calm enough. However, as soon as the first boat cut the water's surface, all rip breaks loose. Three foot rollers out of nowhere?! Only to me. M programmites, Rachel and Stephanie also took solace in knowing that I would again be soaked later in the day because they moved my ferry (canoe) that I use to get to my boat (which is anchored in deeper water). when the time arrived for me to pick my boat up, the canoe was patience, or lack thereof (thanks Dad), had me walking in waste deep water in my "good" shorts. Nevertheless, Lee showed up just in time to enjoy the show, and help out as little as possible.
Yesterday was Interpretive Pontoon Boat Ride Day. This is the day where Murphy's Law generally prevails in all matters concerning the notorious outboard motor. In my life I can count the varying troubles I have had with an outboard motor on my hands - and the hands of my 20 closest friends. Initially, the Pontoon was supposed to be ready on Friday...not so much. Alas, it was finally "fixed" on Wednesday. As we put the boat in, the fired up and roared...Whew. Nevertheless, I have had the boat break down on me in the past, which is absolutely no fun with a boat full of adults.
Yet, I continued, with the wind at my back and the spray in my face. I pulled to the dock, PFD'ed the riders, and took off for calmer waters. The boat performed exceptionally...we also saw the following species:
River Otter
Bald Eagle
Wood Ducks (Aix Sponsa)
Turkey Vulture
Red wing blackbird
Fun times, but we all got wet in the 3 foot seas....
Enjoy the day...
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