April 15, 2010

Becoming an Outdoor Woman

Women, all destined to become outdoor women, we'll descend up on the sandy, dandy banks of the Albemarle this weekend. They'll roost in our cabins, and feed in our Dining Halls. They'll canoe and kayak at our waterfront, they'll rock climb on our Climbing Wall. They'll perfect their markswomanship on our shooting ranges. We'll standby and watch it happen. What else is their to do?

When dedicated, talented, and independent women come by here, with access to weapons, we treat them nice. We'll dose them with strong coffee and ample amounts of chocolates. We'll do our best to teach them many things. Many of them have already become an outdoor women, thanks to BB Gillen. BB is the Outdoor Skills Coordinator for the North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission. Becoming an Outdoor Woman is her program, and its a dern good one.

Similar programs abound across the country, but few have the following that this one maintains. Women hear learn to do things they will generally surpass their domestic counterpart's level of skill. Motor boating, trailerbacking, survival, outdoor cooking, canoeing, kayaking, and climbing are noble skills of the "Outdor Man", but women, too...! Yes, indeed.

Who doubts that a sweet lady can be as deft as a grungy man in outdoor pursuits. Not me. If there is one thing I have learned about the fairer gender, it's that when it comes to outdoor competition, things generally aren't so fair. Females, generally much more calm, while lacking a macho streak, concentrate much better than men. An average woman markswomanman, on average, is better than the average marksman. Outdoor cooking...? No contest. Note to men - cooking is different than heating meat over flame. A woman with a dutch oven can prepare you a meal, then whawp you over the head if you dare contest her efforts. My open fire cooking is alright. So is my shooting prowess, but I wouldn't dare contest the ladies. They'll beat me, and I don't like to lose.

Kayaking? A woman's capability for pain and endurance, generally speaking, is tailored for this sport.
Canoeing - see above, you lesser men!

What can a man do better than a woman? I say whine. Men are tough, but pry them away from the TV, and that droning sound you hear isn't an insect. It's Bubba, and he's sad. Who pulled Bubba away...think about it. That's a tough lady.

Becoming an Outdoor Woman is a great program. It has come a long way since it's inception. It is wildly popular. It proves two things...you never to young or old to learn anything, and the fairer gender, might not be so fair after all...

Enjoy the day...

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