Today is April Fool's of my favorite days. Wanda - one of the Meals on Wheels cooks just called to tell me that my tire was flat. I know better. I am not getting out of my office chair to go and be made a fool of...
Wanda is the think that she can get the getter. I am the best at pranks. And I have seen a blue million. You can't be a camp director for too long and not see your share of both good and bad pranks. The standards around here, every summer, include:
1) The undies up the flag pole routine...
2) Hiding in the bushes to scare someone...
3) Saran wrapping the ivory throne...I have been victimized at this, too.
4) Antiquing...which is more dangerous than funny.
5) Telling someone that their parent has passed away...really cruel, but I have seen it happen.
One of the greatest pranks of all time involved an electronic predator call. The guys had a mole to insert a predator call under the bed of a lady staff member...when the clock struck midnight, the squalling, electronic coyote belted out his yodel. Many of the male staff became marked men after this episode...
I played the greatest prank of all time at the Eastern 4-H Center. I managed to frighten the entire staff and prove my dedication through my prank. I simply zipped up in a sleeping bag, except for a tiny air/sight opening and roared through the woods just out of clear visibility and rock throwing range from our staff. People cried for their mothers.
Yet, I am not the greatest pranker ever...that belongs to little Colombian counselor. Jorge was a great counselor. everyone loved him, even the kitchen staff. Yet Jorge had a proclivity for pranking. And not getting caught. Jorge's friends were so loyal, that when they, some of the most cumbersome individuals ever, were caught in the act, they would order Jorge to remain hidden. I was none the wiser. Still, Jorge got bolder and his pranks ceased to abate. I never caught him. I never even knew what he was up to. In one of the worst pranks ever, Jorge played a vital role. It wasn't discovered until he returned to his native country, far from my grasp. He maid me the fool. I'll get him, though...
Enjoy the day...
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