December 10th was North Carolina Youth Waterfowl Day...meaning that children under age 16 could hunt waterfowl. The season for adults is right in the middle of it's final split of the'll open back up on December 17th for the adults.
Nevertheless, we had some former Camp Canvasbackers down for the weekend. They went out with volunteer guides on a hunt Saturday morning, along with their dads or granddads. The location they chose to hunt had been holding lots of ducks...until the Saturday morning hunt. Nevertheless, with the urge to migrate so strong in waterfowl, as soon as the front blew through on Friday night, most of the ducks picked up and headed south. Still, the young hunters bagged a few ducks and one redeemed his swan tag! It was a fun hunt that certainly initiated the youngsters into the ways of waterfowling. Cold, wet, long walks in the dark, with gear in tow, is only fun if you're waterfowling!
The holiday season is here, and so are the Christmas parties...we've hosted several right away, with more to come. In fact, I laid the smack down on some of my infamous steaks on Saturday night. I certainly enjoy helping out other departments at the Center, but I really do prefer to help the kitchen - especially when it comes to manning the grill. I can operate a grill much better than a lawnmower, wrench, mop, and telephone.
Enjoy the day...
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