Summer Staff are on site, and more are on the way...
Here's a snippet of what we'll be doing today and tomorrow: they get to know each other IMMEDIATELY
Site they know how to get to where I tell them to IMMEDIATELY they can get nutrition IMMEDIATELY they can lear to be creative and work together for campers enjoyment IMMEDIATELY.
Tomorrow, they'll be:
Enjoying the Manual Review, with yours truly...they'll know all the rules, and follow them IMMEDIATELY.
Learning to facilitate on the Challenge Course and learneing processing strategies, so that they can help campers to build strong interpersonal relationships IMMEDIATELY
Managing Risk, with Lee Scripture is a perennial favorite...he'll cover everything to keep the facility and it's users safe IMMEDIATELY (and does a great job, as our camp's safety record is among the best in the WORLD!!!!
Learning how to find their way about the community and Inner Banks for all the neccessities IMMEDIATELY.
Staff training is a great opportunity for director's to share information with staff. Ours is among the most thorough...I like to train, expect, and then solve, is challenges arise.
Nevertheless, my optimism is strong...
Enjoy the day...
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