Well as many of you know, this past weekend in North Carolina saw events that many would and could call dramatic, traumatic, tragic, and down right nerve-wracking. Tornadoes blew their way through the state, and left notable damage in Sanford, Raleigh, Greene County, and Bertie County.
While there are many tragic stories to tell, some heroics can be found...especially at the Lowes in Sanford.
The Eastern 4-H Center, and Tyrrell County, were placed under a tornado warning, too. Reports stated that a tornado did pass south of Columbia and through the Levels Road area...which is approximately 8 miles from the Center. Nevertheless, the minute the warning was posted our pre-plan became the plan, and it was executed flawlessly. Emergency Action plans are important for all families and businesses, and we take pride in having not only sturdy and modern facilities, but also haveing the institutional knowledge and ability to coordinate emergency situations. You'll never here me say that anything is more important than our visitor's safety.
We only had a few broken limbs in the challenge course area...however during the storm, the 50 mph winds did knock out our electricity. We had electric lanterns and drinking water available 20 minutes beforehand. Anticipation is important when preparing for the worst.
Our RYLA students allegedly had "fun" as they called it during the warning. They were safely tucked away in sturdy bathrooms and hallways, along with our on site adults. The storm cause a little nervousness, but radio communication made it possible to update the children and adults - and to keep them at ease.
Anyway, we have trails to clean...
Enjoy the day...
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