This weekend the 4-H Center is hosting another wedding. We must be good at those. It might just be the waterfront location, but there are rumors that our food and service is as good as anywhere...just saying.
Duck season opened yesterday, October and Casper took some time and hunted at the Futch Tract outside of Columbia. This place is typically a haven for the "big" ducks that arrive in December, but it can hold spectacular amounts of locally hatched wood ducks. Wood ducks were at one time a pretty threatened species - with all of the logging an dpollution in the 60's and 70's. Nevertheless they are considered recovered and a three bird limit is one of the best ever. Nevertheless, I didn't take my limit, nor did Casper but we killed a pair of full plumage woodies. Mine sported a federal band - it's my second banded bird and it's always a nice treat to see a little sparkle on the leg when you recover a duck.
Cooling temperatures are finally starting to cool the water, which will go a long way to getting rid of the duck weed and alligator weed that is choking off our local waterways. The tropical storm of last week brought tooooo much rain and turned Columbia and Creswell into toxic and noxious swimming pools. FEMA personnel has been in the area to assess the damage. Lee, our fearless leader hates that his yard has been flooded, but has thoroughly enjoyed the accessories of a flood. Extra flashlights, knives, axes, and chest waders were donned by Lee and since there was a flood, his wife allowed him to wear the items in public. Yesterday, Casper and I had to help Lee load a lawnmower on a trailer. Pooshing a lawnmower through the mud may sound like fun, and it IS. Sike.
Next week, the Center will cleanup from the wedding and host several groups - Emmaus and the Quilters.
NC State lost to Virginia Tech last weekend. Obviously this old news. Carolina walloped ECU. Everybody has a chance at redemption this weekend and it should be sought. Auburn takes on Kentucky in the BLuegrass. I had expected to go, but I'll be splitting time between the kayak demos at the Scuppernong River Festival and the Wedding....
Enjoy the day...
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