September 29, 2010

More and More

This week, like last week, is another busy one...Northeastern Workforce d\Development is hosting two seminars this week. Emmaus will be here from Thursday - Sunday. I'll be cooking a lot, including today.

Resident Canada Goose season is on it's way out, just as a tropical depression arrives. I took my last chance at a Canada yesterday. Watching 500 geese pour into a pond is amazing, but disappointing when it happens 300 yards from my handmade decoys. I also might have missed a golden opportunity to dine on goose by failing at a close shot. Sea Duck season comes in on Friday. I look forward to it arriving so that I can take them from my layout boat. I've got 100 handpainted scoter decoys that will fool a genius.

My dad turns 61 years young today....Happy Birthday Poppa! My dad has seen a lot of things, most of them from the Courthouse Doors in Coosa County. I enjoy hearing stories about the Cuban Missile Crisis, Auburn in the late 60's, me in the 80's, and stories about him and his pals. We'll rendezvous in late October to see Auburn beat LSU!

Enjoy the day...

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