August 21, 2009

How to survive the heat wave...

Listen folks (both of you), it's really hot outside. It was hot outside last night. My neighbor's "aircon" went out yesterday, too. That is totally convenient, right? I don't know about global warming...Al Gore say's it's happening, and he's a meteorologist. I know it's hot outside, and I'm only a camp director.

What does the Eastern 4-H Center do in the event of extreme temperatures? Well, we require that staff and campers take air conditioned cool-off breaks...we also double the amount of ice water that is available and encourage/force-feed safe amounts of water...we also will change the schedule so that all activities take place in the pool, sound, or indoors.

Personally, I have several ways of dealing with heat. You can't avoid the heat, otherwise you are just sitting inside, and that is totally boring, unless you like to read...and I read, but only at certain times. Here's what I do and don't do...

If you come in from being really hot:
Do drink cool water.

Do not build a fire, they are hot.

Do put ice cubes in your pockets.

Do not put an ice cream con on your head.

Do go for a dip in the pool, not a swim.

Do not sunbathe.

Do open the freezer and stick your head in for a little bit.

Do not wear a pea coat.

Obviously, these are pretty straightforward, if not ridiculous. Point is, there is nothing that can be done about the heat. In the winter, you can put on all the clothes you can only take off so many in the summer time before you get totally sun burned and break several laws. The heat is here to stay, for a little while at least...but at least the mosqiotoes are sweating, too. To actually deal with the heat, means to take advantage of it, like it, and if possible, exploit it.

These are my recommendations for taking advantage of the heat:
Take a drive with the windows down - breeze and gnats blowing through your hair, countryside to your sides...that's fun!

Make your own ice cream...I don't know how to do it, but I have friends that do...take advantage of your friends and the heat by eating homemade ice cream.

Have a cookout! Everybody likes grilled livestock, and standing near a grill with meat, will cause you to sweat and salivate...the evaporative cooling from your skin and mouth will keep you warm. Animals fats are like serotonin, too. You will need a nap, just do this inside.

Line dry your clothes outside, but only if it isn't some energy.

Defrost your won't take anytime at all! Just find someone else to move the freezer.

Good luck making sense of this blog...

Enjoy the day...

1 comment:

Kyleen said...

very creative ways there to stay cool. making ice cream isn't that hard - jeff at BJP makes the kids make ice cream during shooting sports, since obviously they can't all shoot at one time.

Saw Bear Gryills in the woods of AL on Discovery channel - i was expecting you to pop out and assist him at any moment during his time in your state.