February 19, 2009

State Headquarters AKA 4-H Command Central


I want to take a special opportunity to profile some of the ultimate perks of working at 512 Brickhaven. The Brickhaven Building is 4-H Command Central...I mean that is where the State 4-H Leader AKA Commander-in-Clover, Dr. Marshall Stewart, punches the clock! Along with that, working in Brickhaven has other merits. There are some other cool folks at Brickhaven-especially the "Camping Team." I don't want anyone to think that I am biased, but I am..Let me introduce the team:

Larry Hancock, the Camping Specialist, loves 4-H Camp more than any one I know. Larry was the first Camping Specialist I had ever met that didn't wear Birkenstocks (no offense to anyone that wears Birks...but Birks are considered business formal for many camp professionals)...and trust me-that means a lot!

His partner in crime, Ken Burgess, is everyone's favorite giant. When I first met Ken, I was petrified. I soon learned that he is not purposefully terrifying... and now that I know him, I imagine that he probably has a soft spot for puppies and kittens.

However, it's Belinda Niedwick that keeps the "Camping Team" up and running. When I'm not busy, I know Belinda is...she's always busy!

On occasion, I will get a phone call from one of these individuals. Below, I have outlined the first thought that comes to my mind when somebody tells me "Chase - it's __________ from Raleigh!"

Larry: "Oh, no! The Big Boss...act natural..."

Ken: "Oh, no! He's from Louisiana!"

Belinda: "Oh, no! I have really messed up now!"

Still there are other perks for working at Brickhaven...Getting up-and-at 'em is not a problem when working in Raleigh. If you are still tired on your drive to work, just hop on the Beltline, wait for the traffic to stop, and catch a few winks. Also, any campus employee is a short walk away from the world famous Ten-Ten..."The Trough", as I like to call it, has a Chinese buffet that measures 1.3 kilometers (round trip). The .24 kilometer dessert bar is complete with delicate sheet cakes, dinner mints, and gummi bears. The food is good, but enjoy sparingly.

I look forward to going to Brickhaven...Its "Command Headquarters" for an organization that has shaped my life... and I know that there are people there that I look forward to seeing, because they care as deeply about the clover as I do. The Brickhaven Building is chocked full of very smart people...I am glad I'm on their side...

Side note: The Eastern 4-H Center will be recognizing NC 4-H's Centennial Celebration in a wearable format...Our summer camp t-shirts will recognize the centennial.

Alright...tomorrow I have to go to Hotlanta, Joe-juh...and maybe I will make time to meet my parents who live in Alabama (don't worry, they have indoor plumbing). So, no blogs until Monday night.

*Larry, Ken, and Belinda - Lee "suggested" the idea for this blog...please show me leniency.

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